By Dheeraj Fartode Shocking allegations of misconduct have emerged against a police officer in Nagpur City Police. The officer is accused of abusive and degrading behaviour, particularly targeting accused in Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. Sources claim that the senior officer arrives at the police station and calls the accused into a separate room, where the officer not only hurls abuse at the accused but also spits at their face. Later, the officer allegedly kicks the accused in the private parts. In some incidents, when a couple approached a police station in Nagpur to file a complaint following a domestic dispute, the police sent a proposal for preventive action to the officer. However, instead of handling the matter professionally, the officer allegedly made the man sit down, then kicked him in the private parts and leave him in pain and humiliation. The behaviour of the high ranked official have raised questions about the professionalism of law enforcemen...
Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and co-Chairperson of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, called on the Union Home Rajnath Singh on Thursday. During the discussion, Rajnath Singh invited Bill Gates to support Skill India programme and give a major push to skill upgradation of workers in India’s agriculture sector.
Commending the welfare schemes being run by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in India, Rajnath Singh said after the success of the Foundation’s ‘Ananya’ Child Care and Maternal Health programme in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, this scheme should also be implemented in Chhattisgah, Jharkhand and Odisha where there is a large tribal population. He also lauded the Foundation’s ‘Awahan’ initiative which has helped reduce the spread of HIV infection across India.
Rajnath Singh said the Union Government has laid stress on the JAM (Jan Dhan Accounts, Aadhar Number and Mobile Governance) platform and hoped Mr. Gates’ Potential Digital Financial Inclusion Models can be adopted to improve the Service Delivery System in the country. The Union Home Minister also invited Mr Gates to support the Union Government’s initiative to give a major push to skill upgradation of workers in India’s Agriculture sector.
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