By Dheeraj Fartode Shocking allegations of misconduct have emerged against a police officer in Nagpur City Police. The officer is accused of abusive and degrading behaviour, particularly targeting accused in Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. Sources claim that the senior officer arrives at the police station and calls the accused into a separate room, where the officer not only hurls abuse at the accused but also spits at their face. Later, the officer allegedly kicks the accused in the private parts. In some incidents, when a couple approached a police station in Nagpur to file a complaint following a domestic dispute, the police sent a proposal for preventive action to the officer. However, instead of handling the matter professionally, the officer allegedly made the man sit down, then kicked him in the private parts and leave him in pain and humiliation. The behaviour of the high ranked official have raised questions about the professionalism of law enforcemen...
By Dheeraj Fartode
Rajesh Daware and Arvind Singh had a plan to kill Yug after abduction as Yug could have easily identified them and obviously there were no chances for Yug to survive his abductors. As per their nefarious designs, they were to demand ransom of Rs five crore and ask Dr Chandak to come at Kanhan with the money. They had planned to board in a North bound train and show Yug’s t-shirt when the train would start moving. They had decided to collect money in a running train and flee from the state. It means that they had decided to escape with the money without actually handing-over Yug back to his parents.
The accused had decided to open a wine shop and construct a home by the money. The accused had a criminal mindset and no remorse was visible during entire trial period and even when they were held guilty by the court. Interestingly, the accused gained the weight during their jail term.
Revenge of a ‘slap’
Accused Rajesh Daware, an ex-employee of Dr Chandak, had decided to take revenge of Dr Chandak’s slap. In month of July, 2014, Yug was playing Video game at the clinic and Rajesh had slapped him for playing the game. When Yug narrated the incidnet to Dr Chandak, he slapped him and warned Daware. That was the day when Daware decided to take revenge of this humiliation.
In another incident, a patient informed Dr Chandak that Daware was collecting excessive hospital fees defying the dentist’s directive and fleecing paritnts. When Dr Chandak questioned him, Daware denied the allegations and never reported back to work when Dr Chandak warned that he would verify the facts in presence of the patient.
APP Wajani congratulates cops
APP Wajani who successfully led the prosecution told The Hitavada that entire investigation team of Lakadganj Police Station including Police Inspector Satyanarayan Jaiswal, ASI Arvind Chavan and HC Tejram Devale have done fantastic work in the case. “I have never seen such tremendous co-operation from the cops in any case,” said APP Wajani.
Yug’s murder was second plan
To gain the money, Rajesh, Arvind, both students of PWS college had also decided to rob a manager of a renowned company. The accused met their friend, who was working in the company and gained his confidence for the robbery. They asked the youth for a tip about exact movements of the manager and particularly whenever he travels with cash in the last week of August 2014.
The plan was on cards and the accused were well prepared on ‘D-day’ to implement the plan. However, the youth did not provided them the much needed tip. Later, the accused met the youth and thrashed him for foiling the plan.
20 circumstances proved by prosecution to guilt
Adv Rajendra Daga who assisted the prosecution on behalf of aggrieved Chandak family also congratulated investigating agency and stated that at least 20 circumstances have been proved by prosecution to prove the guilt of the accused. Major circumstances include: Motive, Last seen together, discovery of dead body, Mobile CDRs of ransom call, CCTV footage, destruction of evidence, blodd-stained clothes, recovery of motor-cycle, chemical analysts report, DNA report. He also welcomed the court verdict and time given to defence on quantum of punishment stating that it was done pursuant to a recent supreme court verdict which stipulated that there should be some gap between guilty verdict and pronouncing the quantum of punishment giving sufficient time to defence to present mitigating circumstances and prosecution to present aggravating circumstances.
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